Using My Pain To Help Drug Addicts

Hi there. If anyone reading this is “In love” with an addict, I can honestly say, “I know how you feel.” I too, at one point had a heroin addicted boyfriend. I am 22 years old and only a couple years back, helped him come to the realization...

Alcoholism Can Kill a Person Quickly and a Family Slowly!

Dying for a Drink, by Anderson Spickard and Barbara Thompson   Alcoholism is a family disease. That is what any addiction treatment professional worth his salt will tell you. In their book, Dying for a Drink: What you and your family should know about Alcoholism,...

Signs and Symptoms of Computer Addiction

Computer addiction may sound like so much nonsense to most people. Those people roll their eyes when we talk about the dangers of violent video games or especially Internet Addiction Disorder. The fact is, they may be right. After all, just a few years ago nobody had...