I’m Clay Cutts.

I create exceptional leaders!

Asking Hard Questions…

“How can I be 50 years old, have a beautiful family, a comfortable home, a solid career…and NOT know who I am? How is that even possible?”

I wish I’d kept track of how many times I’d heard some version of this question from a client. It’s usually asked from a place of deep angst…even hopelessness at times. And, yes, it seems like we should naturally “know” ourselves better as we age.

But, getting caught up in the natural current of modern culture is incredibly easy.

We go to school, get a job, meet the man/woman, buy a home, have a kid, etc. We spend our weeks working and caring for kids and our weekends mowing grass, washing clothes and playing taxi driver.

Then, in a flash, we open our eyes and and wonder who in the heck we are. We may even look at our partner and wonder the same about them.

Now, hopefully, we’ve had some fun along the way…created some memories. Maybe some beach vacations and holidays with the extended family. Perhaps some silly moments with a toddler and a dog we were lucky enough to catch on video.

Either way we find ourselves in this odd position…

We can tick off a fairly impressive CV…career, family, home, cars, funded retirement and college accounts, etc. But we also struggle under the burden of a different weight. We grapple with the truly hard questions in life…

Am I on track to fulfill my purpose in life?

Have I had a meaningful impact on the world…or a least on “MY” world?

What will my legacy be after I’m gone?

Do you ask these types of hard questions?

I ask because the truth is not everyone struggles with these types of inquiries. Asking these questions doesn’t mean there is something wrong with you. It just means you are what I call a “SEEKER”.

Seekers want more from life.

They flourish when they’re deeply connected…when they understand and are understood by others. They light up when they are able to be truly helpful to their family, friends and their communities. They must do meaningful work, or at least derive some meaning from the work they do.

They are often deeply curious about the Divine and feel more whole when they are on some sort of spiritual journey. They have little interest in being famous but want to leave a legacy (not just financial) after they’re gone.

The Challenge (And Excitement) of Being a Seeker

Seekers ask all sorts of good questions about where they are and where they’re going. They want to squeeze more out of life.

The challenge to being a seeker is finding balance between maximizing growth and being satisfied with where you are and what you have.

The exceptionally exciting news is that when Seekers are able to achieve this balance, they can truly THRIVE! In fact, they can thrive at levels most people only dream about. They can soak up all the love a relationship has available…and return it just as intensely. They can effortlessly make decisions about their life and career. They can lean into a new level of intuition that makes life feel effortless and rewarding at the same time.

Not only is this possible, it’s what I do with clients every day.

“I help Seekers exist at a higher level. This is what I mean by Thriving.”

What does “Thriving” mean?

Thriving means…

  • Being insanely productive without being insane
  • Thinking on a higher plane
  • Using emotions to your benefit rather than being a victim of them
  • Enjoying strong relationships that serve you and others
  • Understanding who you are at increasingly deep levels
  • Being “of” the world without being “in” the world (view life from a distance that provides perspective)
  • Feeling however you want to feel on demand
  • Actively creating a mindset that will allow you to do the “impossible”
  • Having more impact on the world
  • Intentionally creating a legacy so your impact will survive you
  • Claiming your Personal Power and refusing to give it up to anyone…ever
  • Stepping into a sense of quiet confidence

How I Help Seekers Thrive

What’s the difference between someone who grinds away every day and sees modest (or slightly better) results and someone who flows through life with seemingly no effort yet enjoys all the best life has to offer?

This isn’t a rhetorical question. 

I know the answer because I’ve helped hundreds of people make the transition from “Grinder” to “Thriver”.

The difference is that the Thriver changes themselves and evolves into the version of themselves that creates the results they want. The actions you take are important. How you take those actions are also important. But…who you are when you take them is infinitely more important. This is because the evolved version of you will naturally make the decisions and take the actions that create the desired result.

The good news is you only have to change one thing. The bad news is that one things is everything! 🙂

The REALLY good news is I can help you do just that. I can help you THRIVE.

If you’re interested in thriving, I can likely help you.

Just reach out below and we’ll get started…