Drug Addiction as a True Family Disease

Drug Addiction Hurts Users, Kills Families! Drug addiction, in it’s most basic sense, is a dependence on a street drug or a medication. When you’re addicted, you may not be able to control your drug use and you may continue using the drug despite the harm...

Drug Treatment: Are YOU the Real Problem?

Know something funny about drug treatment? Even though it is often the solution, we may not know what the real problem is. If we have a drug habit, those drugs are the most obvious problem in our lives. Sometimes we can’t see the forest (the real problem) for...

Using My Pain To Help Drug Addicts

Hi there. If anyone reading this is “In love” with an addict, I can honestly say, “I know how you feel.” I too, at one point had a heroin addicted boyfriend. I am 22 years old and only a couple years back, helped him come to the realization...